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Volume 2 // Issue 11 // February 11, 2009:::: |
In This Issue:
Message from Dean, Cristina Amon
// Strategy and Vision for the Office of the Registrar // New Programs for International Students // Report on Dean's Town Hall // Students Return from WEF // Honours and Awards // Research // Events // In the News // Archives // |
Message from Dean, Cristina Amon
The Office of the Registrar plays a key role in most post-secondary educational institutions, supporting students, faculty and staff in a variety of ways and serving as the main point of contact for students with the administration. Serving students is one of its most important undertakings and ranges from course registration to assisting international students adjust to new lives in Canada. The work of the Office of the Registrar also encompasses admissions and awards, scheduling and calendar preparation, and information systems design and maintenance – the latter becoming an increasingly important function as student records are maintained and services accessed online ... (more) |
The Engineering Registrar's Office |
10 Questions with the Faculty Registrar
Barbara McCann has led the Faculty's Office of the Registrar for the past 24 years. Read about her vision and strategy and how the services have changed since she started ... (more)
Overview of the Office of the Registrar
Meet the team, learn about their mandate, and provide input on their most recent Strategic Plan ...
Expanding Services to International Students with Mentorships and Coaching
Two new programs launched this year to help the transition and overall academic success of international students in Engineering ... (more)
Time to Refresh: Newest Registrarial Program to Help New Students Catch up
Starting this month the Faculty is offering a new non-credit program geared to help first year students who are academically ineligible to continue into second semester studies ... (more)
Still Serving Students after Graduation: Services for Alumni and Employers
If alumni or employers need degree verification or conferral, the Engineering Office of the Registrar is ready to help ... (more) |
What's New? |
Dean’s Town Hall Meeting with Undergraduate Students
Approximately 50 undergraduate students joined the Dean for a Town Hall meeting on February 6, 2009. Cristina Amon provided an update on ongoing programs and initiatives. Jonathan Asmis, President of the U of T Engineering Society, reported on Atrium renovations scheduled for summer 2009, reminded students to make their needs known regarding lab equipment to be purchased from the student levy and encouraged them to consider standing for election as EngSoc officers and class representatives when nominations open after Reading Week. Students then presented questions and feedback in an open forum. Their wishes with respect to improved wireless access were noted and are being addressed. The conversation also included grading practices and teaching methods and concluded with a discussion of the Faculty’s current and planned globalization initiatives.
Two Engineering Students Travel to World Economic Forum
EngSci student William Li and IndE student Elika Mahdavi just returned from the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Switzerland where they experienced Engineering in a global forum surrounded by world leaders ... (more)
Engineering Faculty Thinks and Acts Globally
Reported in this week's Bulletin, our Faculty is pursuing a globalization minor, and hopes to establish a globalization centre, among other initiatives to provide our students with an educational experience that prepares them to be global engineering leaders ... (more)
U of T Homepage Redesign
The U of T website was redesigned to make it easier to find information ... (more). Engineering will also be redesigning its website this year. Please send input and feedback to: kate@ecf.utoronto.ca. |
Three MIE Professors Receive CSME Awards
Professors Chul Park, Yu Sun, and Professor Emeritus Charles Ward have been honoured by the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering for their achievements in the field ... (more)
Engineering’s New AAAS Fellows to be Honoured at Fellows Forum February 14
Professors Grant Allen, ChemE, Brendan Frey, ECE, Christopher Yip, ChemE/IBBME, and Professor Emeritus Mary Jane Phillips, ChemE, will officially receive their Fellowships from the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) during the AAAS Fellows Forum on Saturday, February 14, at the Fairmount Chicago in Chicago, Illinois. Election as AAAS Fellow honours members whose efforts on behalf of the advancement of science or its applications in service to society have distinguished them among their peers and colleagues. For more information on our new AAAS Fellows please click here.
SAVE THE DATE: Celebrating Success 2009 Reception
In celebration of an extraordinary year for Engineering in terms of honours, awards and major research grants, join us Wednesday, April 22 in GB 202 from 4 to 7 p.m. to recognize and honour the outstanding achievements of our Faculty. Please watch upcoming newsletters for more information.
Funding Opportunities:
New Courses Added at Mining School
CivE Professor Chris Kennedy will partner with Bac Tech Mining to offer a course at Northern College's Haileybury School of Mines ... Northern News
Everyone's Watching: A Pioneering 'Cyborg' Says Turning the Tables - and Cameras - on Big Brother is the Answer
In a world in which surveillance is pervasive, is it possible we could restore the balance of power and regain control of our lives by watching the watchers - and one another as well? ECE Professor Steve Mann is quoted ... Ottawa Citizen ... Agonist
New Way to Become a Volunteer
ECE alumnus Shamir Tanna (0T6 + PEY) is featured in this article that talks about his summer in Ghana through Engineers Without Borders ... Toronto Star
A Futuristic Vision for the TTC from 1910
With remarkable prescience, a century-old report anticipates Toronto transit's current predicament. Cities Centre Director and CivE Professor Eric Miller is quoted ... Toronto Star
Outsourcing: A Quick Fix
MIE Professor Andrew Jardine is quoted in this article about companies seeking outsiders’ help to squeeze more out of their equipment ... The Economist
Rays of Sunlight in Economic Gloom
MIE student Sara Dolcetti talks about receiving multiple job offers and the secret to her success: the PEY Internship ... Toronto Star |
Did you miss out on a past issue of the Engineering Newsletter? Revisit past articles and catch up on Faculty news any time … (more) Catch up on the latest Engineering news on the Engineering homepage. |
The Engineering Newsletter is a twice-monthly summary of key headlines, events and opportunities for faculty and staff in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering. If you have questions or comments, please contact us: kate@ecf.utoronto.ca. |