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Volume 1 // Issue 13 // June 11, 2008:::: |
In This Issue:
Message from Dean, Cristina Amon
// 9 Skule™ Stories: 0T8 // What's New? // Honours and Awards // Governance // Research Update // Events // Newsletter Archives
// |
Message from Dean, Cristina Amon
Convocation is a time of promise, purpose and celebration. Promise for our 1,002 graduating students as they embark on the next stages of their careers, or studies, and set their sights to become Engineering leaders, innovators, and contributors to address the ever-changing world challenges; purpose for our staff and faculty who work tirelessly to ensure we deliver an exceptional education to our students; celebration for the end of a truly remarkable academic year.
On behalf of the Faculty, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to our staff, faculty, alumni and friends for providing an outstanding student experience for our 0T8 graduates. You are all encouraged to join in the convocation celebrations by participating in the academic processions and attending the après ceremony receptions.
An academic procession that includes strong representation from the departments is a highly visible demonstration of the value that we, as a Faculty, place on convocation and the celebration of our students’ achievements. If you have not yet done so, you may register for either the 10:00 a.m. or 2:30 p.m. ceremony on June 16 by sending an email to the Office of the Dean. Please note that participants are required to show up in the Council Chamber of Simcoe Hall 30 minutes prior to the ceremony.
Our après convocation receptions to celebrate the accomplishments and promise of our students and the purpose of our dedicated staff and faculty will be held at Hart House Quad and Great Hall on June 16 from 11:30 am - 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm. I look forward to seeing you there! |
Celebrating Research Success Reception
To celebrate our Faculty's successful academic year, achievements and research grants, please join us on June 12, from 5:00 - 7:00 pm, in the Debates Room, Hart House (RSVP to Carolyn Farrell). There will be another celebratory event in the fall to recognize all of the Faculty's outstanding contributions and successes.
From the Classroom to the Racetrack
The U of T Formula SAE Racing Team Races to Top of the Canadian Standings .... (more)
Interview with Barbara McCann, Faculty Registrar
In the months prior to graduation, the Office of the Registrar is buzzing with activity as they guide Engineering students through the graduation process .... (more)
Webcast and Attendance of the Spring 2008 Convocation Ceremonies
To increase opportunities for family, friends and members of the University community to participate in convocation celebrations (June 16 at 10:00 am and 2:30 pm), the Faculty has organized an Overflow Room (no RSVP required for faculty and staff) where the ceremony will be projected onto a large screen. Also, all spring convocation ceremonies will be webcast. Share in the tradition by attending, or watching the Engineering convocation ceremonies online. The convocation for students in the Jeffrey Skoll Program BASc/MBA Program can be viewed online on June 20 at 2:30 pm.
Engineering Profession Confronts Challenges of Global Workplace
"U of T Engineering has the opportunity, the responsibility and the unprecedented potential to become a major contributor in educating global Engineering leaders and addressing the globalization challenges of Engineering competitiveness, sustainability, and international development," said Dean Cristina Amon. To further explore this topic, the Faculty looked to leading experts and best practices by hosting four distinguished panelists who shared their views on the changing global landscape of Engineering practice .... (more)
Faculty Energy Research Showcase
On June 19, the Faculty will host an Energy Research Showcase from 12:00 - 5:30 pm in the Bahen Centre Atrium and room 1170. This event will be an opportunity for faculty and graduate students engaged in energy-related research to highlight their research for representatives from industry, government, funding agencies and and the Engineering community. There will be graduate student posters, presentations from faculty members and a reception. Everyone is invited to attend (RSVP to Carolyn Farrell). The program is available on the Faculty Research webpage.
Tarek Abdelrahman and Hani Naguib Win Faculty’s Top Engineering Teaching Awards
At the May 28 Faculty Council meeting, Professor Tarek Abdelrahman was awarded the Faculty Teaching Award and Professor Hani Naguib was awarded the Early Career Teaching Award .... (more)
Civil Engineering Student David Godri Named to Top 20 Under 20™
Congratulations to Civil Engineering undergraduate student David Godri, entering his second year of studies, who was named to Canada’s prestigious Top 20 Under 20™ list. The Founder of a non-profit organization, SWITCH (Solar and Wind Initiatives Towards Change), he hopes to become a Civil Environmental Engineer .... (more)
U of T to Bestow Honorary Degree Upon Professor Emeritus Donald Mackay
Professor Emeritus Donald Mackay, Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, who developed a series of software models that allow chemicals to be tracked from their source through air, water and soil, to the point where they are absorbed by humans and wildlife, is among the distinguished individuals to receive honorary degrees this Spring....(more)
Doug Reeve to be Inducted into Paper Industry International Hall of Fame
Internationally-renowned researcher and educator in the pulp and paper field, Professor Doug Reeve, Chair of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, will be inducted into the Paper Industry International Hall of Fame this fall .... (more)
Doug Perovic Honoured with Canadian Metal’s Physics Medal
In recognition of his outstanding scientific contributions in the area of nanocrystalline metals, Professor Doug Perovic, Chair of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, will receive the Canadian Metal Physics Medal later this month .... (more)
Hall of Distinction
At Spring Reunion, the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering celebrated the induction of Paul Cadario (Civil 7T3), Tom Closson (Industrial 7T1), Phillip “Rocky” Simmons (Chem 6T4) and University Professor Michael Sefton (Chem 7T1) into the Engineering Hall of Distinction, located on the second floor of the Sandford Fleming Building.
At the May 28 meeting, Faculty Council approved:
- New frameworks for Degree Level Expectations.
- Revisions to the Engineering Science Infrastructure Option.
- Inductees into the Engineering Hall of Distinction and Recipients for the Engineering Alumni Medal and 2T5 Mid-Career Awards.
Also, presentations were made for Faculty Teaching, Early Career and Agnes Kaneko Awards as well as the McCharles Prize for Early Career Research .... (more)
Mark your calendars for next year’s Faculty Council meetings which will take place from 12:00 - 2:00 pm in the Michael E. Charles Council Chamber: October 9, 2008; November 26, 2008; February 23, 2009, and May 27, 2009.
June 12 - Celebrating Research Success Reception
June 16 - Engineering Convocation Ceremonies, Morning and Afternoon; Receptions, Morning and Afternoon
June 19 - Energy Research Showcase
June 26 - Workshop in Dispersion Engineering
June 30 - President's holiday
July 1 - Canada Day -- Holiday
Please visit: Faculty's Events Calendar for all of our events.
Did you miss out on a past issue of the Engineering Newsletter? Now you can revisit past articles and catch up on great Faculty news any time … (more) |
The Engineering Newsletter is a twice-monthly summary of key headlines, events and opportunities for faculty and staff in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering. If you have questions or comments, please contact us: couture@ecf.utoronto.ca. |