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Research Update | |
Early Researcher Awards The internal deadline for submitting a notice of intent to apply for Early Researcher Awards is Oct. 8. The Faculty has had a lot of success with this program, and we currently have 24 award holders. The Early Researcher Awards are aimed toward new Faculty members who are within 10 years of their PhD and within 5 years of starting their first academic appointment. More information on the program and the application process can be found on the University of Toronto's research website.
Deadline: Dec. 1, 2008 New Staff Matching Grants are awarded on a competitive basis to tenure-stream appointees at the Assistant Professor level who, at the time of the competition deadline, are within the first five years of their first full-time academic appointment at the University of Toronto. In addition to tenure-stream appointees, other junior faculty (i.e. contractually limited term appointees and certain status-only appointees) will be considered eligible if they have the support of the Dean and Chair of the appropriate University department. An essential element of any submission is evidence of the individual having obtained external research support, or a commitment to seek external research support at the earliest opportunity. The purpose of these grants is to assist new faculty members to establish research programs to increase their competitiveness for outside funding. Successful applicants will receive Connaught funding under the following matching terms:
The Committee reserves the right to award less than the amount requested, in instances where the Committee feels that the project can proceed with a reduced budget. The Committee will have approximately $1.23M to allocate through this program. Last year, 94 proposals were received across all disciplines and 58 awards were made. The total dollar value of requests was $2.3M and $1.25M (or 54%) was awarded. Funds will be released to successful applicants after May 1, 2009. Please note that individuals who were unsuccessful in their first application to this program, and who continue to meet all eligibility criteria, are permitted to reapply once. The purpose of the award is to provide the recipient with extraordinary support relatively early in his or her career to assist in the recruitment and support of excellent graduate students and post-doctoral fellows as members of the research team. Funds awarded may be spent only on financial support of the student and post-doctoral members of the research team.
This program is primarily intended to help support one-off "special" events. Requests for support of regular/routine meetings of established scholarly or professional organizations or recurring events are less likely to be supported. Similarly, requests for support of satellite conferences linked to established societies, or conferences based on pre-contracted publications, are less likely to be supported. The number and size of the Connaught Symposia grants awarded will depend on the nature and quality of the proposals received and the level of divisional/external funding provided for each. The Committee has allocated approximately $50,000 to each of this year’s competitions. Normally awards do not exceed $10,000. Events must take place within two years of the application deadline. |
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