
What's New?

Task Force on On-Line System Integrating Calendar, COS and Individual Student Accreditation

A Task Force has been assembled to examine the feasibility of creating a web-based online system that will integrate the processes associated with curriculum change management, Course Option Selection (COS), AU Tracking, calendaring and degree verification within the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering.

Specifically, the Task Force will examine:

  • The requirements for curriculum change management, COS, AU Tracking, calendar updates and degree verification.
  • Software and systems used within the University of Toronto and at other universities.
  • Options for the online integration of all or part of these processes across the Faculty.
  • Estimates on cost, steps and timelines associated with one or more of the proposed options.

Members of the Task Force

Grant Allen, Vice-Dean, Undergraduate (Chair)
Baochun Li, The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Tom Nault, Office of the Registrar
Neil Neebar,
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Undergraduate Office
Dan Pettigrew
, Office of the Registrar
Ronika Srdic
, Division of Engineering Science

To send your thoughts and ideas to the Task Force, please send an email to Grant Allen.


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