Karen Lewis New Director of Professional Faculties South HR
Karen Lewis assumed the role of Director of Professional Faculties South (PFS) Human Resources Office on March 3, 2008. The PFS-HR Office serves six professional faculties in the south end of the St. George Campus: Applied Science and Engineering; Physical Education and Health; Pharmacy; Nursing; Architecture, Landscape and Design and Forestry. 
Karen began her successful career at the University in 1987, and most recently held the position of Assistant Dean, Co-curricular Education, Services and Equity in the Faculty of Physical Education and Health. In this role, she managed diverse human resources issues, participated in collective bargaining, and championed the broadest definition of equity and diversity, as well as managed finance, IT, membership services, facility operations and development, and fitness and open recreation programs.
Karen is well known to the University community because of her innovative approaches and participation on many University-wide committees and initiatives, including Governing Council from 2000-2004, and Crisis Management and Pandemic Planning, which is currently in progress.
Karen holds a BPHE and BEd from the University of Toronto and she is currently pursuing the Rotman Executive Program in Human Resources certificate. Having been a client of the PFS-HR Office for many years, she will bring many new insights relative to improving client services. Karen is looking forward to meeting her new clients and can be contacted at karen.lewis@utoronto.ca or (416) 978-2112.