Final Faculty Council Meeting of 2008-2009 | |
The final Faculty Council meeting of 2008-2009 was held on Wednesday, May 27, 2009 with Professor Emeritus Joe Paradi acting as Speaker in Professor Yu-Ling Cheng’s sabbatical leave absence. Over 60 members were present, as well as a number of guests. Dean Cristina Amon reported on some of the highlights of the past year, indicating that a full summary of 2008-2009 activities and accomplishments will be presented in the “Year in Review” issue of The Engineering Newsletter. In addition, we will introduce a Faculty Annual Report this year to provide measurements of our progress in achieving our strategic goals. The Faculty Council approved several major new initiatives by special motion. A Centre for Global Engineering (CGen) was established as an EDU:C to expand and coordinate our global education and research activities. A Cross-Disciplinary Programs Office was established to provide leadership, administration and initiation of programs that cut across the Faculty, effective July 1, 2009. An Identity, Privacy and Security Institute (IPSI) was established as an EDU:C to work collaboratively with the Faculty of Information to develop new approaches to privacy that maintain the security, freedom and safety of the user and the broader community. The Faculty Council also approved nominations for service on the newly-formed Academic Appeals Board for terms ranging from two to three years; nominations for membership of standing committees for 2009-2010; and a recommendation for a change in the composition of the standing Curriculum Committee. In addition, it received for information reports from the Graduate Education Committee, the Teaching Methods and Resources Committee, the Engineering Alumni Honours and Awards Committee and the Ombuds Committee. The Faculty Council recognized with appreciation the service of two members who will retire on June 30, 2009: Professor John Curran (CivE) and Professor Michael L.G. Joy (IBBME). The service of the following three Departmental Chairs was also recognized with appreciation: Doug Perovic (MSE), who served from 1997 to 2008; Jonathan Rose (ECE), who served from 2004 to 2009; and Tony Sinclair (MIE), who served from 2004 to 2009. The meeting provided the opportunity to present three major Faculty awards and to congratulate the recipients. John Carter (ECE) received the 2009 Faculty Teaching Award. Craig Simmons (MIE) received the 2009 Early Career Teaching Award. And, Renzo Basset (CivE) received the 2009 Anges Kaneko Award. The first meeting of the next academic session is scheduled for October 7, 2009. |
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