
Research Update

Message from Vice Dean, Research

Dear colleagues, welcome to the first newsletter of 2008. I hope you all managed to take some time off to relax over the holidays and that the New Year will be a profitable one for your research.

Looking forward to 2008 we have the CFI call for proposals which represents an opportunity to fund new infrastructure; don't forget that there is a January 15 deadline to submit internal expressions of interest forms. The information on these forms will help the University plan and better coordinate applications in this round. Please watch this space for more information and updates.

NSERC strategic project grants are due with NSERC by April 15th. This program will be focused on the target areas

  1. Advanced Communications and Management of Information  
  2. Biomedical Technologies  
  3. Competitive Manufacturing and Value-Added Products and Processes  
  4. Healthy Environment and Ecosystems
  5. Quality Foods and Novel Bioproducts
  6. Safety and Security  
  7. Sustainable Energy Systems (Production, Distribution and  Utilization)

More information can be found at:

Funding Opportunity

Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences (CFCAS)
2008 Grants Competition

Final call for research proposals and supplements to existing network grants

CFCAS Deadline:                     4:00 pm, Feb. 15, 2008
ORS Internal Deadline:             Feb. 7, 2008

CFCAS is inviting faculty members and teams in Canadian universities to submit grant applications under the following categories:

1) Short-term, targeted *new* research projects by individuals or groups (including networks)

- Funding of up to a total of $200,000 over 2 years will be provided for *new* research
- Only *one* application per applicant
- Proposed research activities must be ready to start no later than September 2008 and completed no later than September 2010

2) Network Supplements to *current* (awarded since April 2005) research networks

- Funding of up to a total of $200,000 over 2 years to expand research integration, coordination or data management
- Networks may only submit *one* supplement request
- Proposal must be submitted by the Network Leader (Principal Applicant) in consultation with its Science Steering Committee and must describe how the supplement will enhance its current activities

This is the final call for submissions under the CFCAS' current mandate and resources.

Competition Themes

Applications must demonstrate the ability to deliver tangible results within a 2-year time frame and address research needs in at least one of the following areas: (1) Air Quality; (2) Northern Science; (3) Weather predication and forecasting; and (4) Climate change and resources.

Multidisciplinary collaborative research and partnerships with researchers in the health or social sciences are encouraged.

For more information on programs and application procedures, please refer to the following:

Call for Proposals:

Instructions to Applicants:

Application Forms:


CFCAS Peer Review Manual:

Internal Application Procedures

ORS internal deadline: Feb. 7, 2008

Please allow 2-3 days for ORS staff to review and sign your applications.

Instructions to Applicants

Please bring the following documents to be reviewed:

1) Completed and signed RIS form available at: .

2) Original plus one copy of the completed CFCAS Form 101 signed by the applicant and the Chair (or Dean) and/or Vice Dean/Vice Principal (Research), and Form 100 (Personal Data).

3) Mandatory cover letter to CFCAS (explaining how the proposal addresses one or more competition themes, identifying what is NEW in the research; describing how it will contribute to the generation of results relevant to policy or operations within the themes; AND explaining how it fosters interdisciplinary partnerships and promotes world-class research).

Instructions to Co-Applicants on a U of T-Led Application

1) If you are a co-applicant on a UofT-led application, please ensure that you sign page 2 of Form 101 (co-applicant's page) and include your Form 100 with the application.

2) If your co-applicant is a researcher from another university, his/her signature and the signature of his/her university representative must appear on page 2 of Form 101.

Instructions to U of T Co-Applicants on Applications Led by Another Institution or University

If you are a co-applicant on an application led by another university, please bring the following to ORS:

1) Completed and signed RIS form available at:

2) Copy of project description, budget and budget justification (esp. if you anticipate funds to flow through U of T).

3) Copy of Form 100.

Important: All signatures from co-applicants and their universities must be obtained before the University Representative signs the application.

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