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Message from Dean, Cristina Amon | |
The Office of the Registrar plays a key role in most post-secondary educational institutions, supporting students, faculty and staff in a variety of ways and serving as the main point of contact for students with the administration. Serving students is one of its most important undertakings and ranges from course registration to assisting international students adjust to new lives in Canada. The work of the Office of the Registrar also encompasses admissions and awards, scheduling and calendar preparation, and information systems design and maintenance – the latter becoming an increasingly important function as student records are maintained and services accessed online. In this Newsletter issue, we describe the work and structure of our Office of the Registrar and its plans for the future. In the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, the Registrar’s Office characterizes a multi-functioning and highly-dedicated unit, contributing to the supportive campus environment that enhances the undergraduate experience and engages students. Committed to our goal of educating global engineers, our Office of the Registrar is also proactive in advancing international exchange opportunities for Engineering students and in helping Engineering students from abroad have a rewarding experience at the University of Toronto. In addition, our Office of the Registrar oversees a number of administrative functions. It includes a comprehensive admissions section and is the only U of T first-entry Faculty to handle its entire admissions process. Unlike other U of T Faculty registrarial offices, our Office of the Registrar must rise to the challenge of creating a conflict-free course schedule on a Faculty-wide basis and does so with great success. Our Engineering Registrar, Barbara McCann, has been with the Faculty for over 30 years and in her current position for 24 years. Throughout this time she has never forgotten that the most important part of her job (and indeed the prime mission of both the Faculty and the University) is to serve our students. Her depth and breadth of experience combined with her warm and engaging personality make her one of our Faculty’s most valuable assets. I wish you all a productive Reading Week and an enjoyable Ontario Family Day weekend. Cristina Amon, Dean
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