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Message from Dean, Cristina Amon | |
Join us in celebrating the numerous accomplishments of our Engineering faculty, alumni and students as you read this issue! The number and breadth of awards received by our faculty has exponentially increased over the last five years, with 2007-2008 being a landmark year. As engineers play an increasingly prominent role in addressing global issues, recognition of our alumni contribution to the discipline and to society and of the leadership potential of our students is equally important. Again, our record of achievement in both categories is one of which we can be deservedly proud. While our faculty, alumni, staff and students have always excelled, formal recognition of their achievements was not extensive, nor were our records of the honours and awards conferred. We have now become proactive in seeking recognition of excellence and systematic in tracking our accomplishments. Many members of our Faculty contribute to the extensive effort required to do this. A highly active group is our Faculty Committee on Nomination for Honours and Awards, chaired by former Dean and Professor Emeritus Michael Charles, and ably supported by our Director of Awards and Honours, Carolyn Farrell. The work of the Faculty Committee is complemented by the Awards Committees within each Department and Institute and feeds into the University-wide Awards and Honours initiative undertaken by the Office of the Vice-President Research. The Engineering Alumni Awards Committee, chaired by Professor Emeritus Ron Venter, works closely with the Alumni Relations staff of our Office of Advancement to promote recognition of outstanding graduates. In addition, an initiative is under way to introduce in the New Year awards recognizing excellence among our administrative staff. Innovation, hard work, commitment to the discipline and dedication to improving the world in which we live certainly deserve to be honoured. Moreover, a community of scholars and professional practitioners ought to celebrate the success and contribution of its members. Our record of exceptional achievement, however, has even greater significance. The honours and awards conferred upon our faculty, alumni and students raise the visibility of our Faculty, contributing to the recruitment on an international scale of the best and brightest academic staff and students. And what more fitting time to celebrate our achievements than now, as the first academic semester draws to a close and we enter into the festive spirit of the winter holiday? The past term has demanded much of us, but we have accomplished a great deal together as the Engineering Newsletters of the past months chronicle. I wish you all a restful, joyful holiday and extend to you and your families my warm wishes for a happy New Year. Cristina Amon |
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