Relive Your Skule™ Memories at Spring Reunion May 29-31
For all Engineering graduates for the honoured years between 3T3 to 8T3, we hope you will join us in celebration of your alma mater. Events include:
Engineering Profession Confronts Challenges of Global Workplace
The Faculty's Task Force on Globalization hosted four distinguished panelists who shared their views on the changing global landscape of Engineering education ...
New U of T Cities Centre Led by Civil Engineering Professor
As of July 1, 2008, Professor Eric Miller will begin a three-year term as Director of the Cities Centre, a research and teaching centre that focuses on urban issues in Canada and around the globe ....
Energy Research Showcase
On June 19, 2008, members of industry, government, and the Engineering and U of T communities are invited to learn more about our network of energy researchers ...
Engineering Professor Receives Prestigious Killam Prize
University Professor Michael Sefton (Chem 7T1) has been awarded the prestigious Killam Prize in recognition of his outstanding career achievements in tissue engineering. The Killam Prize is Canada's most distinguished award given by the Canada Council for the Arts ...
ECE Professor Wins Genome Canada Technology Competition
Professor Ted Sargent, along with Professor Shana Kelley of the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, received one of the 13 coveted awards (five in total awarded to U of T) that will provide funding for their collaborative research project to develop an electronic chip to help understand how an individual's gene expression reflects his or her state of health ...
New Director of the Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering
An accomplished academician, dedicated teacher, and internationally renowned researcher with career grants exceeding $10 million in peer-reviewed funding for his research, Professor Paul Santerre has been appointed to a five-year term as Director of IBBME starting September 1, 2008 ...
Two Engineering Professors Named to Top 40 Under 40
Professors Peter Zandstra, cross-appointed to the Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering and the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, and Paul Salvini, Adjunct Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, were named to the Top 40 Under 40, a national program that honours Canadians who have achieved significant success before reaching the age of 40 .... 
Chem Professor Inducted into U of T Teaching Academy
Professor Yu-Ling Cheng received the prestigious University of Toronto President’s Teaching Award for excellence in teaching, research in teaching, and the integration of teaching and research ...
May 29 - June 1
RobotX Battlebots course
May 29
Skule™ Annual Golf Classic
May 30
Chemical Engineering Reunion Lunch
May 30
Spring Reunion Dinner Dance
May 31
Hall of Distinction Unveiling
May 31
Chemical Engineering Class of 7T8 30th Anniversary Reception and Dinner
June 12 Class of 8T8's 20th Anniversary Celebration
June 19
Energy Research Showcase
August 27
PDC Project Business Connection Conference
Professional Development Centre (PDC)
The Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering's lifelong learning centre: short courses, certificate programs, custom training geared to you. Explore your potential for professional advancement:
Project Business Connection Conference
Project Business Connection conference is an informative day for Project Management and Business Analysis professionals in the Engineering, information technology, business and government sectors. Conference highlights include: presentations from industry insiders, case studies, networking opportunities, PDUs for project managers as well as pre- and post-conference workshops. Thursday, August 27, 2008, University of Toronto St. George. Details at: www.pbc2008.ca, or 416-946-5665 or events@ecf.utoronto.ca.
University of Toronto
U of T Alumni and Friends
Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
Skule™ Alumni and Friends
Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
Civil Engineering
The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Environmental Engineering and Energy Systems
Engineering Science
University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS)
Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering (IBBME) |