
Alumni E-news
Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering

March 2009 l Volume 3, Issue 3



Dear U of T Engineering Alumni
The current global economic slowdown continues to dominate the headlines. Whether we believe this is a prolonged situation or that recovery is around the corner, we can agree that technological innovation is even more critical to Canada’s global competitiveness, economic prosperity and long-term growth. Leadership in education and research innovation is essential, and the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering at U of T is well-positioned to address the new global economy with creativity and ingenuity.  
Engineers have always been in the forefront of knowledge creation, essential to translating scientific advances into technologies that affect everyday life. Skule™ Engineers have the creativity and the drive to invent new products and services, create new industries and jobs, and generate new wealth. For example, IBBME Professor Tom Chau (EngSci 9T2, MASc 9T4) has developed a prototype device that uses near-infrared beams to decipher the brain's response, which may help kids with movement disorders communicate.  
Gino Palumbo (Metallurgy 8T3) has established one of North America's most successful nanostructured materials research companies: Integran. CivE Professor Christopher Kennedy (MBA 0T2) is exploring an electric rail network that would link urban centres in Ontario. These are just a few examples of the entrepreneurial and innovative spirit that embodies Engineering at U of T.

The economic downturn will not deter us from achieving excellence in Engineering education and encouraging our Engineers from exploring innovative solutions to such great challenges as sustainable energy resources, affordable health care, and preserving our vulnerable environment. It presents us with an opportunity to make an even greater contribution to international prosperity and meet the challenges of the global economy.
Cristina Amon


JavadJavad Mostaghimi Elected Fellow
MIE Professor Javad Mostaghimi, Director of the Centre for Advanced Coating Technologies (CACT), has been inducted as Fellow of the School of Engineering at the University of Tokyo for his research and educational support...

Jeffrey Packer Receives Excellence in Innovation in Civil Engineering Award
The Canadian Society for Civil Engineering recognizes the magnitude of CivE Professor Jeffrey Packer's contributions to cast structural connectors, and has honoured him with the Excellence in innovation in Civil Engineering Award...

Professor Brendan Frey Awarded an E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship
Up to six Steacie Fellowships are awarded annually to enhance the career development of outstanding and highly promising scientists and engineers who are faculty members of Canadian universities by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). ECE Professor Brendan Frey (PhD 9T7) is a member of this year's privileged group...


We are excited to announce the launch of the new alumni website. Keep up-to-date with the latest news from Skule™ including upcoming reunions, chapter events, volunteer opportunities, and new research discoveries from our renowned faculty. You can also register and pay for events with ease through our new online registration system.

We will be adding more features for interaction over the summer. You will be able to create your own profile, search for and contact other Skule™ alumni, form groups, and more. You will also notice that the main University of Toronto website has had a facelift too. Plans for refreshing the Faculty’s website are also underway.  

If you have any suggestions on how we can improve the alumni site even more, please send your comments to the Office of Advancement. Happy clicking!


The Engineering Alumni Association (EAA) is seeking nominations for new members. Serving as a member of the EAA is a wonderful way for alumni to give back and to re-connect with Skule™. EAA is seeking new members to assume four-year terms beginning July 1, 2009. If you are interested or if you know of an alum who would be suitable for the position, please contact Sonia De Buglio. If you would like more information about the roles and responsibilities of the EAA, please visit our website.


Beer and BullDespite a cold front that moved into town and threatened to put a damper on things, The Beer and Bull Session, organized by the Calgary Chapter of EAA, proceeded as planned and was a success for those who attended. What started out as a small gathering turned into a lively group who moved tables three times to accommodate more alumni as they came in the door.  

Alumni represented graduates from 6T6 to 0T8 and covered most disciplines. There was excellent interaction between the recent alumni and the, shall we say, more vintage alumni. A little business might have been done at one end of the table and a resumé was revised at the other. Business cards, email addresses and phone numbers were exchanged. One Edmonton area alumnus was even connected with another alumnus in the same city. Not bad for a frosty Thursday evening in Calgary!  

Check out the Calgary Chapter on Facebook, LinkedIn, and of course our new alumni website. For more information about the Calgary Alumni Chapter, please contact Ross Pitman (Geological 7T4).


Here’s your chance to hear about innovative research in Engineering. As a part of Spring Reunion celebrations, the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering will feature three leading members of our Skule™ faculty. The one-hour lecture is on Saturday, May 30, 2009 from 3:30pm in University College.

goldieProfessor Goldie Nejat (MIE 0T1, PhD 0T5) of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering will discuss her work on 'Brian,' a robot that aids, motivates, and assesses those in need of healthcare. She will also discuss her new robot that will be able to do sophisticated 3D mapping of unknown / irregular environments.

murrayMurray Metcalfe (MIE 7T7), Professor, Globalization, explores contemporary developments in the field of Engineering. His talk focuses on “The Global Engineer” and draws references from the Task Force on Globalization and a new case study course in the Faculty entitled 'Innovation in Global Energy Systems.'

tedProfessor Ted Sargent (PhD 9T8) of The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, invites us into the fascinating world of nanoengineering—the study, development and construction of materials and machines from the molecule up.

This promises to be an exciting afternoon of intellectual discussion. Register online today!


career fairDespite an economic downturn, employers and students showed up in impressive numbers at two recent Engineering career fairs. On January 8, Civil Engineering hosted its fifth annual Career Fair, welcoming a record number of students. Three weeks later, the 2nd Annual Engineering Fair for the Departments of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and the Division of Engineering Science took place, with an estimated 3,500 students in attendance.


It’s been 20 years! Indulge in nostalgia, reignite lasting comradeship and forge new connections in one of Toronto’s most elegant meeting spaces this June. Come rub elbows with your old Skule™ classmates at the Class of 8T9 Networking Reunion.

Find out what career path each of your classmates has chosen and perhaps network for future opportunities over scrumptious hors d’oeuvres, dessert and drinks. Mark your calendars for June 11th 2009 from 6:30 to 8:30pm. This event will be held in the East Common Room of Hart House (7 Hart House Circle) and will cost $30 per person with a cash bar. Please ensure that you reserve your spot at this exciting event in advance.

We need a few representatives from each class to help spread the word. If you would like to help with the event or would like further information, please contact Mary Butera at 416-978-4941.


Spring Reunion 2009 | May 28 - June 1, 2009

Hall of Distinction Unveiling | May 30, 2009

UTIAS Alumni/Industry/Student Dinner | June 4, 2009

Class of 8T9 Networking Reunion | June 11, 2009


University of Toronto

U of T Alumni and Friends

Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering

Skule™ Alumni and Friends


Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
Civil Engineering
The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering

Environmental Engineering and Energy Systems
Engineering Science

University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS)
Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering (IBBME)