This has been another successful year for Skule™ filled with tremendous progress. Last fall we welcomed 15 new faculty members, 453 graduate students, and over 1,000 First Year students. Last year's First Year class was the most diverse in our 135-year history. Students joined us from all Canadian provinces, 45 countries and every continent.
Our professors received noteworthy honours during 2008-2009, including the NSERC Discovery Accelerators Supplements, two new Canada Research Chairs, and $5M in funding going towards the discovery of sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels and novel bioremediation approaches.
We are living in a time where global challenges push the requirement for sustainable thinking and change. Accordingly, we will start a Sustainable Energy Minor and an Environmental Engineering Minor this fall. Within the Engineering Science program, we introduced a major in Energy Systems in fall 2008 and obtained approval for a combined Electrical and Computer Major to begin fall 2009. Lastly, the development of a Globalization Minor offered through the new Centre for Global Engineering (CGEN) is advancing.
These are just some reasons why we rank No. 1 in Canada and No. 10 in the world with respect to technical education. We should all be extremely proud of our Skule™, including new alumni who joined us this month. Meet nine new alums...
New Alum Receives Governor General's Silver Medal
David Ruggerio (EngSci 0T9) is the 12th Engineering student to be awarded this Medal in the last 12 years. This Medal recognizes three graduating students with the highest averages at the University.
Graduate Student Receives Governor General's Gold Medal
Fourth Year PhD student Edmond Young (MIE, IBBME) received this award in recognition of academic excellence...
U of T Engineering Researchers Receive $27.5M
Two areas of research with little in common include: using nanotechnology to manufacture new high-tech products and developing biological materials to treat everything from ulcers to arthritic knees. But one thing these areas now share is some major recognition...
U of T Engineers Win Ontario Professional Engineers Awards
Six members of our Engineering community have been selected to receive the 2009 Ontario Professional Engineers Awards...
The 2009 Engineering Spring Reunion, honouring classes ending in 4 or 9, was held on May 30. To celebrate the class anniversaries, lectures and Departmental lunches/tours were hosted on campus during the afternoon, and the Dean’s Reception and Class Dinners were held on campus for the first time as well. A great time was had by all 400 alumni and guests in attendance. The Class of 8T4, celebrating their 25th anniversary, had a phenomenal turnout with 150 alumni and guests. View memories captured from the day...
Do you want to stay connected with your Skule™? We need your help in planning the 2010 Engineering Spring Reunion. If you are a graduate from the Class of 8T5, 8T0, 7T5, 7T0, 6T5, 6T0, 5T5, 5T0, 4T5, 4T0, or 3T5 and would like help us organize this great event, contact Mary Butera at 416-978-4941.
Our Engineering Alumni have always been known for their leadership. Biz Skule™, an online community to be launched later this summer, will showcase the outstanding leadership and entrepreneurial spirit of our most enterprising alumni. Members will be exposed to articles and discussions on relevant topics, as well as inspiring events. We encourage you to join this group if you are looking to learn or share your insight.
The inaugural Biz Skule™ event will take place on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 at the Shamba Foundation in Toronto (Yonge and Wellington) and will feature Chair and CEO of Globalive Communications Anthony Lacavera (ECE 9T7). For more information on Biz Skule™, contact Lindsay Tarvit at 416-978-4274.
Would you like to share your professional experience with a Third or Fourth Year Engineering student while helping to foster the next generation of global leaders? If so, consider sharing your insights through the Skule™ Mentorship Program. Applications for 2009-2010 mentors are due on September 4, 2009.
Due to your generosity, the Skule™ Annual Fund supported 59 student clubs and provided scholarships/financial aid to over 1,600 students (35% of Engineering undergraduates). Your contributions enhance the experience for students across the Faculty and is a key component to our success. If you would like to play an active role in the lives of future global engineering leaders, visit https://donate.utoronto.ca/engineering or call 416-978-0380.
Calgary Student Send-Off | Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Skule™ Mentorship Info Session | Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Biz Skule™ | Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Skule™ Mentorship Career Nite | Tuesday, January 19, 2010
University of Toronto
U of T Alumni and Friends
Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
Skule™ Alumni and Friends
Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
Civil Engineering
The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Environmental Engineering and Energy Systems
Engineering Science
University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS)
Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering (IBBME) |