The Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering has been recognized internationally as one of the most progressive Engineering schools. Our success is because of our community of global Engineering leaders. We attract the best professors, researchers, and students across the globe. Skule™ also delivers the most comprehensive curriculum and experiences in commitment to cultivating Engineering innovators. The proof of this lies in our alumni -- leaders of pinnacle organizations worldwide.
Every now and then, a special type of leader surfaces among our family -- the entrepreneur.
Starting a business is risky. A large amount of up-front capital is required without a turnover guarantee. In this issue of Enews you will meet some of our Skule™ students, faculty and alumni who through their perseverance, drive, confidence, and fortitude have beaten the odds.
Passion and Effort Guide Success
Each year we welcome graduating students into our outstanding alumni family. Jonathan Asmis, a 4th year Engineering Science Biomedical student will soon be joining this pack. Asmis' competitive spirit and desire to improve campus life for students led him to become President of EngSoc. His entrepreneurial instincts, however, is what makes him successful at it...
OANDA Corporation Attributes Achievements to Strong Products and Employees
ECE Professor Michael Stumm believes successful enterprises are achieved through quality products and employees. He also believes that Skule™ students and alumni are among the best and brightest. On Thursday, January 29, Professor Stumm's company OANDA will be hosting a booth at the Second Annual Engineering Career Fair...
Alumnus Joseph C. Paradi Enjoys Giving Back
Entrepreneurs passionately seek new opportunities and pursue them with enormous discipline. Professor Emeritus Joe Paradi is a textbook example of a prosperous entrepreneur. His merit of distinction, however, lies in his desire to share what he has learned...
Making Waves in Canada's Wireless Market
Anthony Lacavera (COMP 9T7), co-chair and CEO of Globalive Communications will be rolling out new wireless service in Vancouver and Toronto later this year after convincing an Egyptian billionaire to finance his venture...
Encouraging the Entrepreneurial Spirit in Engineers
Mike Branch (COMP 0T3) started his company, Inovex, six months after graduation in his parents’ living room. Now it is a profitable venture employing 10 people. Branch recently returned to Skule™ to share his experience with students, as a speaker in the Engineering Entrepreneurship Series..
A History of Innovation
Skule™ graduates have made tremendous entrepreneurial contributions to Canada and the world. Learn more about our rich history...
Global Leadership Begins with Grad Studies at U of T
Now that you have been out of Skule™ for a time, you may be searching for opportunities to heighten your career growth potential, complement your technical education, or go into business for yourself. The University of Toronto now offers a one-year course-based Master of Engineering (MEng) degree that combines engineering business with advanced technical engineering knowledge. In addition to technical programs, we also offer ELITE (Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Innovation, and Technology in Engineering) courses. Our graduate students work in an environment where innovation thrives, and where they play a vital role in ground-breaking research. It is no surprise that we are ranked 1st in Canada and 10th in the world for Technology. U of T Engineering provides the best graduate student experience for engineering leaders who want to change the world. Are you ready to make the change?
MSE Appoints New Chair
Professor Jun Nogami has been appointed Chair of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering for a five-year term, which commenced at the start of this month. His commitment to the University and his accomplishments as a researcher and educator will greatly enhance the Department...
University of Toronto Engineers Lead the World
Congratulations to our Alumni and Faculty whose global leadership has been recognized by the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers at the 61st Annual Ontario Professional Engineers Awards Gala. The Awards Program recognizes excellence across a broad range of engineering endeavours, including innovation, professional leadership, and entrepreneurship. Meet our recipients...
Do you know a Skule™ alum who has outstanding career achievements? Or has given significant time and commitment to the community, the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering or the University of Toronto? Does someone stand out in your memory who you believe is deserving of an alumni award? If so, please submit your nomination online (must be received by the Office of Advancement no later than January 30, 2009).
Spring Reunion: May 28-31
Classes of 3T9, 4T4, 4T9, 5T4, 5T9, 6T4, 6T9, 7T4, 7T9, & 8T4
SAVE THE DATE for Spring Reunion Weekend! More information will follow in the upcoming months, so be sure to have your contact information updated by visiting www.alumni.utoronto.ca/addressupdate. For advance information regarding the event, contact Mary Butera, Alumni Relations Officer, at 416-978-4941 or e-mail butera@ecf.utoronto.ca. A list of Spring Reunion Class Leaders will be published soon, so stay tuned!
Share a Skule™ Story
Sixty years ago, the Engineering Cannon was stolen by the Medical Society causing a stir of commotion among those who witnessed the event. An emergency meeting of the Engineering Society was called to deal with the situation. The remedy: the Vice-President of the Medical Society was kidnapped to force an exchange. The Skule™ Cannon is a symbol of Skule™ Spirit thanks to the Class of 4T9. The full story will soon be available online.
To share a Skule™ memory and/or photos in anticipation of your Spring Reunion for classes ending in 4 or 9, please contact Mary Butera, Alumni Relations Officer, at butera@ecf.utoronto.ca. You may also choose to mail in photographs or stories to the Office of Advancement, c/o Mary Butera, Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, University of Toronto, 116 – 35 St. George Street, Toronto, ON, M5S 1A4.
June 6
Class of 9T3, 9T4, 9T8, & 9T9 – 10 & 15 Year Reunion, Friends and Family BBQ
Join your Alma Mater in celebrating your 10 and 15 year reunion in a family-themed Saturday afternoon here at Skule™. More information will follow, visit www.alumni.utoronto.ca/addressupdate to make sure your contact information is up-to-date with the University. For advance information, contact Luke Ng (CHEM 0T7), Alumni Relations Officer, at 416-978-4274 or e-mail lukeng@ecf.utoronto.ca.
June 11
Class of 8T9, 20th Year Reunion
Join your Alma Mater to celebrate your 20th year reunion in an evening dinner at Hart House. More information will follow, visit www.alumni.utoronto.ca/addressupdate to make sure your contact information is up-to-date with the University. For advance information, contact Mary Butera, Alumni Relations Officer, at 416-978-4941, or e-mail butera@ecf.utoronto.ca.
February 13
Civil and Mineral/Geo/Mining Alumni Dinner
February 26
The Calgary Beer and Bull
March 18
Skule™ Nite Reception and Show
As a special promotion from February 2-8, we are offering all Class Leaders and Skule™ Society members advanced ticket sale and preferred seating. For further information, please contact Mary Butera, Alumni Relations Officer at 416-978-4941 or email butera@ecf.utoronto.ca.
March 26
The 9th Annual Engineering Science Alumni Dinner
March 27
24th Annual Chemical Engineering Dinner
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Alumni Dinner
University of Toronto
U of T Alumni and Friends
Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
Skule™ Alumni and Friends
Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
Civil Engineering
The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Environmental Engineering and Energy Systems
Engineering Science
University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS)
Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering (IBBME) |