As the holiday season approaches, I want to convey my warm wishes to all for a happy holiday season.
The Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering has much to celebrate this past year. Engineering at UofT has been recognized by the Times Higher Education Rankings as #1 in Canada and #10 in the world, one international position higher than last year.
We also welcomed close to 1,100 new undergraduate students to the Faculty, bringing the number of total students to just over 4,500 undergraduate and 1,500 graduate students. And to better prepare our undergraduate students to become global leaders in engineering, we have decided to introduce two new minors for the next academic year in Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Energy. The introduction of these two minors has been enthusiastically received by faculty and students.
I am also delighted to welcome our newest Engineering educators and researchers for the 2008-2009 academic year. They join our internationally accomplished existing body of faculty at Skule™.
Many people are responsible for our success – our faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends. In particular, I want to thank you, our alumni. Your contributions to society and success are a testament to the excellence of Skule™. I would like to especially acknowledge our alumni volunteers who served so ably during the past year. Skule™ is a better place because so many of you care and willingly devote your time, talents, and resources.
On behalf of the Faculty, I thank all of you for your support of Skule™. I wish you and your family a safe and joyful holiday season.
With gratitude
Cristina Amon
Planning for Spring Reunion is underway and the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering invites this year’s celebrants to come back to Skule™. From May 28 to May 31, we’ll honour all graduates 25 years or more from the years ending in 4 and 9 – the classes of 2T9, 3T4, 3T9, 4T4, 4T9, 5T4, 5T9, 6T4, 6T9, 7T4, 7T9, 8T4.
Events will include traditional class parties, department tours, and the signature Garden Party, hosted by the President at his residence. For more information about this year’s Spring Reunion, please visit the Spring Reunion website or if you would like to be involved in the planning, please contact Luke Ng in the Alumni Relations Office.
In November, a survey was emailed to alumni residing in Alberta. Results from this survey will help shape the events and programs that will be undertaken by the Calgary Alumni Chapter. We would like to thank all of those who have already submitted their responses. There is still time for you to share your thoughts with us and participate in this very important survey.
On November 25, several members of the Calgary Alumni Chapter Executive participated in the Faculty’s Engineering Recruitment event. There were over 80 people in attendance at the Marriot. It was a wonderful opportunity to interact with these prospective Engineering students and show them the strong community at Skule™. If you are living in Alberta and would like to find out more about the Calgary Alumni Chapter, please contact Ross Pitman, Chapter Chair.
Do you know a Skule™ alum who has made outstanding career achievements? Or given significant time and commitment to the community, the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering or the University of Toronto? Does someone stand out in your memory who you believe is deserving of an alumni award?
Each year, the Faculty’s Engineering Alumni Association bestows awards onto deserving alumni. We are now accepting nominees for the Engineering Alumni Association’s Awards Dinner to be held in Fall 2009. You can nominate an alum for the Engineering Alumni Medal, Hall of Distinction, 2T5 Mid-Career Award, 7T6 Early Career Award or the Malcolm F. McGrath Alumni Achievement Award. All nominations must come from alumni or employees of the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering at U of T.
To nominate a deserving alumni, please select one of the links above. Award nominations must be received by the Office of Advancement no later than January 30, 2009.
Recently, three events were held to thank donors who established scholarships to help our talented Engineering students.
On November 20, the Civil and Mineral Engineering Awards Reception was held. The event brought together 160 participants. Donors in attendance were excited to meet the winners and discover firsthand the impact of their generosity. This is the fourth year the Department has held this event. The Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Science, also hosted its 4th Annual Scholars and Leaders Reception at Massey College on November 5. Forty-eight award recipients were in attendance to graciously thank those who have given so much to the Department. Engineering Science hosted its inaugural Engineering Science Awards Celebration in the Bahen Centre on December 2. The event was in honour of EngSci alumni and friends who have contributed greatly to the Department, as well as in recognition of EngSci students who have benefited directly from their support.
By all accounts, the three events were successes and helped foster an even closer community among U of T Engineers.
January 8
CSCE/Civil and Mineral Engineering Career Fair
January 19 to 23
Skule™ Arts Festival
January 28 and 29
Engineering Career Fair
February 13
Civil and Mineral/Geo/Mining Alumni Dinner
March 26
The 9th Annual Engineering Science Alumni Dinner
March 27
24th Annual Chemical Engineering Dinner
MIE Dinner: Celebrating Alumni Success
Professional Development Centre (PDC)
The Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering's lifelong learning centre: short courses, certificate programs, custom training geared to you. Explore your potential for professional advancement...
University of Toronto
U of T Alumni and Friends
Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
Skule™ Alumni and Friends
Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
Civil Engineering
The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Environmental Engineering and Energy Systems
Engineering Science
University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS)
Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering (IBBME) |