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The Advanced Foods and Materials’ Call for Letters of Intent (LOIs) for the STAR/ Commercialization ProgramDeadlines for LOIs: January 29, 2010 Background Objectives
Tom Dowler, Business Development Analyst Innovation Research Program 2010 Hewlett-Packard Labs – Call for AbstractsDeadline for Abstract Submissions: January 29, 2010 The Innovation Research Program (IRP) for the year 2010 Call for Abstracts (CFA) is now open and a full list of research topics that is of interest to HPL can be found at the following URL: http://www.hpl.hp.com/open_innovation/irp/HPL_IRP_Topics_2010.pdf. HPL India, in particular, is interested in your research proposal abstracts in the following areas described in Topic 12 (page 21 of 35) of the above pdf document. Intuitive Multimodal and Gestural Interaction The IPR call for proposals document, full descriptions and access to the abstract submission system are available at the following website: http://www.hpl.hp.com/open_innovation/irp/topics_2010.html. MITACS (Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems)Deadline for Applications: January 31, 2010 MITACS Elevate is a new pilot program designed to ensure that PhD holders, among the most highly-skilled individuals in Canada, are retained and equipped for future careers. Up to 80 positions are available for postdoctoral fellowships at Southern Ontario universities. Each fellowship will be for a one-year term, renewable for an additional year. Elevate is open to those individuals with a recognized PhD degree who are residents of Ontario or citizens/permanent residents of Canada planning to move to Ontario. Elevate fellows will gain valuable research experience in areas of industrial and societal importance as well as training in non-technical professional skills. Elevate offers two types of fellowship programs: Industrial Fellowship Program Strategic Fellowship Program Please visit: http://www.mitacs.ca/goto/Elevate for program details and to apply. You may direct any questions to: elevate@mitacs.ca. Ontario Ministry of Transportation – 2010 Highway Infrastructure Innovation Funding Program (HIIFP)Internal Deadline: February 24, 2010 | Sponsor Deadline: March 4, 2010 The purpose of the program is to encourage basic and applied research in transportation infrastructure in Ontario. This program solicits innovations from institutions to assist the Ministry in meeting selected challenges, and to encourage undergraduate and graduate research in transportation and infrastructure engineering. The program challenges Ontario's academic community to contribute to transportation infrastructure solutions in a number of areas including traffic operations, intelligent transportation systems, engineering materials, highway design, environmental, geomatics, bridges, construction and maintenance. Further information is available at: http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/business/funding.htm To obtain the guidelines and application forms, please contact: Documents required for ORS review and signature are: (1) Completed and signed RIS form, (2) Full application signed by the Chair/Unit Head and/or Vice-Dean Research. Ethics Review of Undergraduate Research Involving Human ParticipantsAny research activity that involves human research participants--e.g., questionnaires, interviews, observation such as job shadowing, testing of research prototypes--even at the undergraduate level, requires research ethics review. Research supervisors and research methods course instructors should therefore work closely with students to submit protocols for research ethics review and approval before data collection begins. For more information regarding ethics review of undergraduate research, please visit: http://www.research.utoronto.ca/ethics/eh_undergrad.html Engineering Delegated Ethics Review Committee contact is: estina@ecf.utoronto.ca. |
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