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The Engineering Newsletter
The Engineering Newsletter

A Message from Dean, Cristina Amon

In the past couple years the Faculty has been moving towards better understanding our role within a world now more connected across geographic space, living in the same environment and climate using the same energy resources, and sharing interlinked economies and sociopolitical systems. In response to these ever-evolving realities, we develop educational paradigms to provide our graduates with a globally relevant and locally pertinent Engineering education. This prepares them to work across cultures and disciplines, and to meet the unparalleled opportunities, responsibilities and challenges in their future Engineering careers.

I am pleased to share with you in this issue some of the initiatives, projects and experiences happening in the globalization context. Read about EWB’s George Roter’s plenary lecture; learn more about the new Centre for Global Engineering (CGEN) led by Professor Yu-Ling Cheng; hear about our students’ hands-on experiences in countries across the globe, and research projects and learning opportunities that respond to the world’s questions around the environment and sustainability.

As we grow and evolve, so do our staff, faculty and leadership. In addition to the 12 new staff appointments, we welcome two new professors to our community. We have also appointed Bryan Karney as our Associate Dean, Cross-Disciplinary Programs. As the year progresses we look forward to further developments that will both challenge and inspire us to lead in excellence in global Engineering.


October 1, 2009

Volume 3, Issue 2

In this issue:

What's New
Honours and Awards
In the News


Globalization: Stories about changing the world, one engineer at a time


EWB co-founder's lecture inspires First Year students

George Roter encourages students to define how to make society a better place.

Changing the world one Engineer at a time

Faculty encompasses global education into curriculum; 5% of alumni active overseas, large number of international students.

New Centre for Global Engineering

CGEN prepares students for borderless workplace and directs research towards international concerns.

Moving forward: Global style

Professor, Globalization, Murray Metcalfe (MIE 7T7) reveals how Engineering remains dynamic, addresses global issues.

Letters home

Steve Dennis (CivE grad) shares glimpses into his six-year work experience with Medicins Sans Frontiers. Walking around Wudier | What Happened in the End?

Sustainable electricity

ECE/MSE Professor Nazir Kherani’s solar electricity research and development program reduces cost and increases accessibility to renewable energy.

Preserving the necessities of life

Engineering alumni develop solutions to preserve natural resources, make world greener, more sustainable.

PEY internship leads to ambassador role for EngSci student

International student participation increases, thanks to positive student working relationships.

Engineers Without Borders leaders plan year of growth

The U of T Chapter executive channels momentum to inspire action and provide leadership.

UN student delegate puts research into global perspective

PhD student Patrick Blit (ChemE/IBBME) gains world development view at UN Headquarters.

Recession? What recession?

In a time of severe financial crisis, Engineering alumni work to ease burden.


What's New


Mining leaders invest $9M in U of T Engineering

Combined investment from mining entrepreneur Pierre Lassonde and Goldcorp Inc. funds construction of, and scholarships for, a new $20-million mining research and innovation centre.

New lab strengthens Canadian nanotechnology research

Electron Beam Nanolithography Facility home to scientists and Engineers who will create next-generation devices in healthcare, information technology, clean technologies, digital media, and automotive industry.

New research network aims to build a better eye

U of T Engineering researchers part of new research network that received $6.7-million grant: Edgar Acosta, Christine Allen, and Yu-Ling Cheng. Dean Cristina Amon member of the advisory board.

Microchip breakthrough detects type and severity of cancer

Using nanomaterials, Ted Sargent, Canadian Research Chair in Nanotechnology at U of T, and his research team are making a new, portable device to better detect cancer.

Maclean's on campus (PDF)

Dean Cristina Amon discusses importance of women in Engineering in annual Professional Schools Guide.

Q & A with Bryan Karney, Associate Dean, Cross Disciplinary Programs

Professor Bryan Karney (CivE) appointed to three-year term starting September 1, 2009 in new portfolio. Appointment notice (PDF)

Office of Advancement update

Vanessa Abaya, Executive Director of Advancement, shares quarterly report.

Skule™ Idol competition will lead to duet performance

Skule™ Idol and EngSci are offering a chance to sing a classical duet in December with renowned soprano Isabel Bayrakdarian (EngSci 9T7) as part of the program's 75th anniversary celebration.

Tech Tip: Increased SPAM sending incidents

Increased attacks on U of T email service sends SPAM. Keep your UTORid and password private and use the following tips to prevent further attacks:

  • Do not leave your password/account info anywhere near your computer
  • There have been messages promising to raise one's quota if you respond with your password. Do not respond to anyone who asks for your password by email -- in all cases it is an attacker!

Honours and Awards


2009 Arbor Awards

Ten Engineering alumni volunteers honoured for outstanding service to the University.

Wilbur Smith Distinguished Transportation Educator Award

CivE professor Eric Miller recognized for outstanding contributions, connects academic studies to transportation profession.

Canadian Society for Chemistry Clara Benson Award

Professor Molly Shoichet (ChemE/IBBME) recognized for distinguished contribution to chemistry.

C.D. Howe Memorial Foundation Engineering Award

EngSci student Colin Cook selected for outstanding academic achievement in Engineering.

Great Canadian Innovation Competition

Innovation and collaboration bring PhD ECE student James Dou's research idea on the national stage; beat more than 200 entrants in Canadian Business magazine's competition.


Engineering Events


Oct. 2
Oct. 7
Oct. 9
Oct. 12
Oct. 14
Oct. 14
Oct. 15
Oct. 16


MIE Seminar: Complex Fluids Under Confinement and Flow
ChemE Seminar: Outstanding Graduate Student
Skule™ Idol
Thanksgiving - U of T closed
Skule™ Mentorship Fall Meet and Greet
ChemE Lecture: Nanoscale Control of Fibrous Proteins for Functional Materials
IBBME Alumni and Awards Banquet
MIE Seminar: Fixing the Beating Heart


Click here for more Engineering events



2009-2010 Faculty Council Meetings

Please note: Oct. 7 Faculty Council cancelled.

Save the Date: Nov. 25, 2009 | Feb. 24, 2010 | May 26, 2010
Time: 12:10 - 2:00 p.m. | All meetings take place in the Michael E. Charles Council Chamber (GB202).


New Appointments


Academic Appointments

We are delighted to welcome new professorial hires for 2009-2010.

Administrative Appointments

We welcome new administrative and technical staff to the Faculty and congratulate colleagues assuming new responsibilities within Engineering.


Engineering in the News


U of T Engineering awarded by Canadian competition

PhD student James Dou (ECE) took top prize for his work on a hand-held device that would allow health-care workers to diagnose AIDS. Kenneth Law (MIE 8T9) semi-finalist for his design of the escMode Wheel Accessory, a safety device to enable wheelchair-bound individuals to take the stairs in emergency situations.

UTIAS develops satellites with India to monitor emissions

News of the nano-satellite and UTIAS' collaboration with the Indian government was picked up by The Hindu Times and the BBC.

Globe features Pierre Lassonde’s transformational gift to MinE

Entrepreneur donates $5-million towards new mining innovation centre.


Newsletter Archives


Did you miss a past issue of the Engineering Newsletter? Revisit past articles and catch up on Faculty news on the Engineering homepage.

The Engineering Newsletter is a twice-monthly summary of key headlines, events and opportunities for faculty and staff in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering. If you have questions or comments, please contact: barbara@ecf.utoronto.ca.

Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/uoftengineering

  All contents copyright © Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, University of Toronto.