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Two Engineering Professors Honoured by IEEE Canada


Congratulations to ECE professors Edward (Ted) Davison and Alberto Leon-Garcia, who have been honoured by IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Canada for their contributions to their respective fields and to the profession. Professor Davison is the winner of the 2010 IEEE Canada Outstanding Engineer Award, awarded to “outstanding Canadian engineers recognized for their important contributions to Electrical and Electronics Engineering”. Professor Leon-Garcia has been awarded the 2010 A.G.L. McNaughton Gold Medal, for “outstanding Canadian engineers recognized for their exemplary contributions to the engineering profession”.

Ted Davison is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and the Canadian Academy of Engineering, and was recently elected a Foreign Associate of the U.S.A.’s National Academy of Engineering. A University Professor Emeritus, he is recognized as a world-leader in the area of control systems design theory, particularly the control of large scale systems. These systems occur in such fields as chemical engineering, power systems, aerospace systems and transportation systems, as well as in management science and biological systems. Professor Davison’s work has been widely implemented in industry and has formed the basis of entire areas of academic research.

An IEEE Fellow, Alberto Leon-Garcia is a pioneer in techniques for the design, operation and management of communication networks. His fundamental research on the characterization and modelling of traffic flows in such networks has led to significant improvement in the design of algorithms and hardware for network switches. Professor Leon-Garcia’s first textbook, Probability and Random Processes for Electrical Engineering, has been in use by top universities around the world for over two decades. His 2003 book Communication Networks: Fundamental Concepts and Key Architectures, is on its way to achieving similar status.

“Professors Davison and Leon-Garcia are path-breaking leaders in their fields who have made exemplary contributions to electrical engineering” said Cristina Amon, Dean, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering. “We are extremely proud that IEEE Canada has chosen to honour two such deserving members of our Faculty.”

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