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The Engineering Newsletter




Canadian Foundation for Climate & Atmospheric Sciences (CFCAS) – Special 2009 grants competition

Internal deadline:
September 28, 2009

Sponsor deadline:
October 7, 2009

CFCAS invites proposals for grants of up to 10 months duration in three areas: (1) Knowledge Synthesis; (2) Outreach and Communication of CFCAS research results; and (3) Public Lectures. The purpose of the grants is to build upon and accelerate the transfer of weather, climate and associated knowledge, generated with support from CFCAS, to policymakers and knowledge end-users, in order to promote its uptake and use. All work must be completed within a 10-month time frame (starting in January 2010 and finishing no later than December 2010).

This competition is funded from interest revenues on CFCAS investments.

Sponsor contact:
CFCAS Secretariat
350 Sparks Street, Suite 901
Ottawa, Ontario K1R 7S8
Email: info@cfcas.org; Tel: (613) 238-2223; Fax: (613) 238-2227

Research service contact: Angie Agulto, angie.agulto@utoronto.ca; 416-946-7517

For further information: www.cfcas.org

NSERC/ESS Geo-Mapping for Energy and Minerals (GEM) program

Sponsor deadline:
Letter of intent - October 1, 2009
Full application (by invitation only) - One month after the invitation date

Internal deadline:
None for LOI submission. All applicants must provide a copy of the letter of intent to Research Services
Full Application - To be determined depending on the invitation date

This program is co-funded by NSERC and Natural Resources Canada’s (NRCAN) Earth Sciences Sector (ESS) in collaboration with one or more industrial sponsors. Canadian academic researchers may receive funds to investigate the specific research areas that support the objectives of the ESS GEM program. The ESS GEM program focuses mainly on mapping the Arctic with modern geological methods and standards to identify the potential for energy and mineral resources in aid of northern economic development. Funding for research projects in the following areas will be made available: (1) Field mapping in Arctic sedimentary basins; (2) Mesozoic biostratigraphy; and (3) Indicator mineral methodologies.

Sponsor contacts:
Theresa Anderson
Account Manager
Environment and Natural Resources Division
350 Albert Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1H5
Phone: 613-943-7830; Fax: 613-947-6371; Email: theresa.anderson@nserc-crsng.gc.ca

Richard Grieve
Executive Scientific Advisor
Earth Sciences Sector
Rm. 226, 601 Booth Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E8
Phone: 613-995-5372; Fax: 613- 996-6575; Email: rgrieve@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca

Simon Hanmer
GEM Coordinator
Earth Sciences Sector
Rm. 665, 601 Booth Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E8
Phone: 613-992-4704; Fax: 613-992-5694; Email: shanmer@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca

Research services contact: Angie Agulto, angie.agulto@utoronto.ca; 416-946-7517

For further information:
Program description & application instructions: http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Professors-Professeurs/RPP-PP/GEM-GEM_eng.asp
LOI instructions: http://gsc.nrcan.gc.ca/gem/nserc/guidelines_e.php


NSERC 2010 research grants competition information sessions at the University of Toronto - September 15-17, 2009

Representatives from NSERC and Evaluation Group member(s) from U of T will be holding information sessions to share their experience and knowledge of NSERC and the application process. The two-hour sessions will provide information on:

• NSERC and program updates
• NSERC policies and regulations that pertain to Discovery Grants
• The preparation and submission of Discovery Grant & RTI applications
• The peer review process

A question-and-answer period will follow the presentation where additional advice may be given on how to prepare a Discovery Grant application.

Important changes to internal U of T application procedures will also be announced at the sessions.

While the workshop will be most helpful to new faculty members and those preparing applications this fall, all researchers are welcome to attend. If you would like to attend a session but are unable to attend the sheduled sessions, it is possible for you to attend a session at another institution. Please consult the schedule of planned visits posted on NSERC’s website.

September 15, 1:00-3:00 p.m.
St. George: Room 3154, Medical Sciences Building, 1 King's College Circle
RSVP: Angie Agulto, Research Funding Officer, Research Services; 416-946-7517; angie.agulto@utoronto.ca

September 16, 9:30-11:30 a.m.
UTSC: Room AA160 (New Council Chamber), Arts and Administration Building, 1265 Military Trail
RSVP: Michele McDonell, Research Administrator, UTSC, 416-208-4719; mcdonell@utsc.utoronto.ca

September 17, 9:00-11:00 a.m.
UTM: Room SB2068B, South Building, 3359 Mississauga Road N
RSVP: Carmen Bryson, Research & Financial Officer, UTM; 905-828-5413; carmen.bryson@utoronto.ca

Ms. Kim Douglas, NSERC Program Officer, Computing & Information Sciences
Mr. Guillaume Sabourin, NSERC Program Officer, Life Sciences Division
U of T Research Services staff

We strongly encourage researchers and administrative staff (who help prepare the applications) to attend as there are several new important changes to the programs this year.

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