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U of T Engineering Students Place Third in CEC Competition I recently had the pleasure of attending my first Canadian Engineering Competition (CEC). CEC 2008 was held Mar. 6-9 and featured six competition categories, much like the University of Toronto Engineering Kompetition and Ontario Engineering Competition (OEC). CEC captured the essence of what the most talented undergraduate engineers across Canada are learning. Not only was CEC a great place to meet some amazing people, it also showcased some pretty awesome talent. Talent that was put to the task of building a bridge out of pasta, which had to support a load and obtaining the best load to bridge weight ratio; building an insulating and melting device or an ice cube with limited materials; and presenting a solution to the Ottawa transportation congestion problem, just to name a few. The University of Toronto had the honour of sending two teams to CEC this year, both of which competed in the Consulting category. Congratulations to both teams for participating and to Liane Catalfo, Vikram Pandit, Jennifer Sauks and Cody Woods for placing third in the Consulting category. Going to this event makes me excited for CEC 2010 because we’re hosting it!
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